Ulton Insights

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      Life events and financial planning: Adapting strategies to changing circumstances
      time 4 minute read

      Life events and financial planning: Adapting strategies to changing circumstances

      Financial planning is innately future-focused. It’s in the name—planning—which means to make...
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      Why complex finances need straight talk
      time 3 minute read

      Why complex finances need straight talk

      “Think about the future of the financial services industry… what do you want to see?”
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      The Ultimate Guide to Family Office Wealth Management
      time 4 minute read

      The Ultimate Guide to Family Office Wealth Management

      In 2013, the number of family offices in Australia was 800.
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      The Ultimate Guide to Private Wealth Management in Brisbane
      time 4 minute read

      The Ultimate Guide to Private Wealth Management in Brisbane

      In recent years, Brisbane’s growth story has captured the nation’s attention. Since March 2020, the...
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      The Ultimate Guide to Wealth Management
      time 3 minute read

      The Ultimate Guide to Wealth Management

      The definition of wealth management varies greatly from person to person. Responses span from...
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      2024/25 Federal Budget Summary
      time 19 minute read

      2024/25 Federal Budget Summary

      The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, handed down the 2024–25 Federal Budget at 7:30 pm (AEST) on...
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      Rising farmland values: The case for personalised financial advice
      time 4 minute read

      Rising farmland values: The case for personalised financial advice

      Recent studies indicate that the value of Australian farmland has seen strong growth throughout the...
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      Preserving your legacy: strategies for intergenerational wealth transfer
      time 4 minute read

      Preserving your legacy: strategies for intergenerational wealth transfer

      Back in 2021, the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into philanthropy brought to light the...
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      Have you prepared for the changes in our workplace laws?
      time 3 minute read

      Have you prepared for the changes in our workplace laws?

      Our workplace laws have changed. Some of those changes are now in effect for all businesses...
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      Individual Tax Rates: Understanding the Cost of Living Tax Cut Amendment
      time 2 minute read

      Individual Tax Rates: Understanding the Cost of Living Tax Cut Amendment

      The Cost of Living Tax Cut Bill 2024 was passed on the 5th of March 2024 to change the individual...
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      Closing the loopholes in our workplace laws: More ‘workplace rights’ for employees
      time 3 minute read

      Closing the loopholes in our workplace laws: More ‘workplace rights’ for employees

      Legislation referred to as ‘Closing the Loopholes (number 2)…’ was passed by Parliament late in...
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      In their words: Women at work Q&A
      time 5 minute read

      In their words: Women at work Q&A

      This International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the incredible women we work with—their passion,...
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      The gender super gap and women’s wealth
      time 4 minute read

      The gender super gap and women’s wealth

      Most people are familiar with the gender pay gap, the average difference between remuneration for...
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      Better Targeted Super Concessions (The $3M Cap)
      time 4 minute read

      Better Targeted Super Concessions (The $3M Cap)

      Treasurer Dr Jim Chalmers unveiled the proposed Better Targeted Super Concessions as a new tax on...
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      Unpaid Trust Distributions: ATO's Rulings vs. Recent AAT Decision and What It Means for 2023
      time 1 minute read

      Unpaid Trust Distributions: ATO's Rulings vs. Recent AAT Decision and What It Means for 2023

      It has long been the ATO’s practice to treat a trust’s unpaid present entitlements (“UPE”) to a...
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      Unlock a 20% Tax Bonus: Claim deductions for external training
      time 3 minute read

      Unlock a 20% Tax Bonus: Claim deductions for external training

      Small businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $50 million will be able to claim a bonus...
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      Seamless BAS integration: ATO prefills Single Touch Payroll data
      time 1 minute read

      Seamless BAS integration: ATO prefills Single Touch Payroll data

      From the 1 July 2023 your wages data collated from your Single Touch Payroll (STP) lodgments will...
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      Bonus 20% tax deduction on technology investments
      time 3 minute read

      Bonus 20% tax deduction on technology investments

      Small business with an aggregated turnover of less than $50 million will be entitled to a 20% bonus...
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      From 1 July 2023 - Wage increase & superannuation guarantee rate rise
      time 1 minute read

      From 1 July 2023 - Wage increase & superannuation guarantee rate rise

      On 2 June 2023, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) handed down its decision in theAnnual Wage Review...
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      For healthy cashflow and a prospering business, ask the questions that matter
      time 1 minute read

      For healthy cashflow and a prospering business, ask the questions that matter

      Founded in 1926, Ulton is one of Queensland’s largest business advisory, chartered accounting, and...
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      2023/24 Federal Budget Summary
      time 26 minute read

      2023/24 Federal Budget Summary

      The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, handed down the 2023–24 Federal Budget at 7:30 pm (AEST) on...
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      Protect your privacy: Tips for staying safe online
      time 3 minute read

      Protect your privacy: Tips for staying safe online

      Identity theft and related crimes are increasingly common, and it has never been more important for...
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      Comprehensive guide to estate planning

      Comprehensive guide to estate planning

      Our educational estate planning resource to ensure you're on the right track
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      Estate planning health check

      Estate planning health check

      Estate planning made easy
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      SMSF Connect

      SMSF Connect

      SMSF Connect Educational Resource
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      What can I expect from my financial advisor?

      What can I expect from my financial advisor?

      What can I expect from my financial advisor?
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      How to get financially organised

      How to get financially organised

      How to get financially organised?
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      What is included in my estate and what isn't?

      What is included in my estate and what isn't?

      When preparing a Will many people mistakenly believe that everything that they own, or have an...
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      Ensure your financial freedom by setting SMART financial objectives

      Ensure your financial freedom by setting SMART financial objectives

      When you come to see us for your first financial planning meeting we will obviously want to know...
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      How do you qualify for Age Pension?

      How do you qualify for Age Pension?

      The area of the age pension can be difficult to understand and there are very limited ways in which...
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      How does life insurance work?

      How does life insurance work?

      Life insurance is also called life cover or death cover. It pays a lump sum to your beneficiaries...
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      5 steps to become financially organised

      5 steps to become financially organised

      We often have clients asking us, ‘how can we be better financially organised?’ Being financially...
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      Trauma Insurance - what is it and why do I need it?

      Trauma Insurance - what is it and why do I need it?

      Trauma Insurance can often be forgotten about when looking at personal insurance cover. Its purpose...
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      Total and permanent disability insurance

      Total and permanent disability insurance

      Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Insurance is designed to pay out a lump sum of money in the...
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      How superannuation is dealt with in the event of your death?

      How superannuation is dealt with in the event of your death?

      A Binding Death Benefit Nomination so as the name suggests is binding on the trustee. It’s legally...
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      How do I get paid a pension from super?

      How do I get paid a pension from super?

      What is an account based pension?
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      How much superannuation do I need when I retire?

      How much superannuation do I need when I retire?

      Wealth Managers are frequently asked, 'How much Super do I need to retire?' and the truth is that...
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      What you need to know about probate

      What you need to know about probate

      If you’re named as Executor in a Will, you may first need to apply for Probate.
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      What is an Advance Health Directive and what does it do?

      What is an Advance Health Directive and what does it do?

      After a severe medical condition or event, many people are unable to communicate their wishes....
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      Why do I need a Will and how do I make a valid Will?

      Why do I need a Will and how do I make a valid Will?

      Wills are a really important document. They're going to ensure that the assets that you've built up...
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      What do you need to do to successfully manage your SMSF?
      time 1 minute read

      What do you need to do to successfully manage your SMSF?

      You've decided to put your retirement funds into an SMSF. That's Great! What else do you need to do...
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      Matters to consider when managing your SMSF investment strategy

      Matters to consider when managing your SMSF investment strategy

      The SIS (Superannuation Industry (Supervision)) Regulations state that 'The trustee of the entity...
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      Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) Pros and Cons

      Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) Pros and Cons

      There's a lot of hype about superannuation, and rightly so. With around 74% of Australians holding...
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      When can I retire?

      When can I retire?

      One of the most common questions we are asked is, "When can I retire?" Most people will assume that...
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      Income protection insurance

      Income protection insurance

      Your ability to earn an income is your biggest asset. Which is why income protection insurance is...
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      Why you need a Power of Attorney

      Why you need a Power of Attorney

      Power of Attorney (POA) is a formal document that is a delegation of authority from one person (the...
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      'SMSF Smart' an SMSF trustee webinar

      'SMSF Smart' an SMSF trustee webinar

      Ulton Partners, Kylie Wright and Bernard Whebell presented a SMSF Trustee Webinar “SMSF Smart”...
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      Empower your business with an external CFO

      Empower your business with an external CFO

      Empower your business with an External CFO
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      Claiming deductions for working from home
      time 2 minute read

      Claiming deductions for working from home

      In response to COVID-19 causing a large shift to the number of employees working from home the...
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      Release of payroll tax amnesty for GP's
      time 4 minute read

      Release of payroll tax amnesty for GP's

      The Queensland Revenue Office released their public ruling on the 22nd of December regarding...
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      ATO's continued enforcement of tax avoidance provision
      time 2 minute read

      ATO's continued enforcement of tax avoidance provision

      Right on the heels of the recent Guardian court appeal where the commissioner succeeded in applying...
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      Respect at work - Set to ‘cure the cause not the effect!’
      time 3 minute read

      Respect at work - Set to ‘cure the cause not the effect!’

      Changes to workplace sexual harassment laws.Prohibition is set to ‘cure the cause not the effect!’
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      Respect at work - Stop bullying claim rejected
      time 3 minute read

      Respect at work - Stop bullying claim rejected

      Respect at work – Fair Work Commissioner rejects Stop-Bullying claim. Common sense prevails.
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      Where there is a Will, there is a relative.
      time 2 minute read

      Where there is a Will, there is a relative.

      Estate planning is more than just having a Will, it is about protecting your wealth and your...
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      What to consider as you or your family age
      time 3 minute read

      What to consider as you or your family age

      Often clients take a lot of time and effort to consider what they want to have occur in the event...
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      What is included in my estate & what isn’t?
      time 4 minute read

      What is included in my estate & what isn’t?

      When preparing a Will many people mistakenly believe that everything that they own, or have an...
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      Scam Awareness Week 2022 - Is it a scam?
      time 2 minute read

      Scam Awareness Week 2022 - Is it a scam?

      Naturally, people aspire to get the most out of their investments, especially if a great...
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      Respect at Work - Prepare for the changes to the law
      time 4 minute read

      Respect at Work - Prepare for the changes to the law

      Respect at work - unlawful sex discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation
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      Commonwealth Seniors Health Card - new income limits legislated
      time 2 minute read

      Commonwealth Seniors Health Card - new income limits legislated

      Legislation* increasing the income limits for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) has...
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      2022/23 Federal Budget Summary
      time 20 minute read

      2022/23 Federal Budget Summary

      The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, handed down the Labor government's first Federal Budget at...
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      Respect at work – Sexual harassment
      time 2 minute read

      Respect at work – Sexual harassment

      No leniency for a small business that failed to provide training for its employees
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      Retain and attract new talent
      time 2 minute read

      Retain and attract new talent

      Could you pay your employees with ‘more time’ ?
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      The next evolution in Ulton's journey
      time 1 minute read

      The next evolution in Ulton's journey

      Since 1926, Ulton has grown to become one of Queensland’s largest and most dynamic business and tax...
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      Is Absenteeism affecting productivity? Or is it Presenteeism? Could it be both?
      time 3 minute read

      Is Absenteeism affecting productivity? Or is it Presenteeism? Could it be both?

      Are you experiencing a high level of absenteeism in your business? Employees taking leave due to...
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      What you need to know about the FBT exemption for electric vehicles.
      time 2 minute read

      What you need to know about the FBT exemption for electric vehicles.

      A full FBT exemption for electric vehicles was introduced into parliament on 27 July 2022. This...
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      Reasonable additional hours. What is considered reasonable?
      time 2 minute read

      Reasonable additional hours. What is considered reasonable?

      With our low unemployment rate and a skills shortage, many businesses across the board are relying...
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      Why it is risky not having a written employment agreement
      time 2 minute read

      Why it is risky not having a written employment agreement

      Why is a written employment agreement/contract necessary for employees covered by a modern award?
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      Why I advocate you should plan on having more than $1m by retirement
      time 2 minute read

      Why I advocate you should plan on having more than $1m by retirement

      The Australian Financial Review has recently published the article 'Do you actually need $1m to...
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      From 1 July - superannuation guarantee rate increase to 10.5%
      time 1 minute read

      From 1 July - superannuation guarantee rate increase to 10.5%

      The super guarantee (SG) rate will increase from 10% to 10.5% which comes into effect from 1 July...
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      Get ready for 1 July 2022 - changes in minimum wage rates and superannuation
      time 1 minute read

      Get ready for 1 July 2022 - changes in minimum wage rates and superannuation

      The Fair Work Commission handed down its decision to increase minimum wageseffective 1 July 2022 on...
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      Start using STP2 from July 1
      time 2 minute read

      Start using STP2 from July 1

      We’re officially on the last leg of the 2021-2022 financial year. If you want to kick off the new...
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      The end of sub-trust arrangements
      time 3 minute read

      The end of sub-trust arrangements

      The ATO has put its foot down, from 1 July 2022, trust distributions made to companies will no...
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      How the building industry can survive uncertain times
      time 3 minute read

      How the building industry can survive uncertain times

      If cashflow concerns are keeping you up at night – you’re not alone.
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      Superannuation contribution opportunities from 1 July 2022.
      time 2 minute read

      Superannuation contribution opportunities from 1 July 2022.

      Several key super changes which may impact your ability to contribute to your Super and Self...
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      Do your privacy practices stack up?
      time 4 minute read

      Do your privacy practices stack up?

      With the continuing rise of identity theft and cyber-crime it is more important than ever that your...
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      Investment Bonds – the best gift for a grandchild!
      time 2 minute read

      Investment Bonds – the best gift for a grandchild!

      When you have a new grandchild, you naturally think about their future. If you want to provide a...
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      2022 Federal Budget Summary
      time 11 minute read

      2022 Federal Budget Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2022 Federal Budget | Other Summary
      time 2 minute read

      2022 Federal Budget | Other Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2022 Federal Budget | Business Summary
      time 2 minute read

      2022 Federal Budget | Business Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2022 Federal Budget | Individual Summary
      time 1 minute read

      2022 Federal Budget | Individual Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2022 Federal Budget | Brian Richards Tax Summary
      time 2 minute read

      2022 Federal Budget | Brian Richards Tax Summary

      There are varied viewpoints generated by this year’s Federal Budget, putting aside the potential...
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      2022 Federal Budget | Economic Summary
      time 2 minute read

      2022 Federal Budget | Economic Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget regarding the Australian Economy.
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      2022 Federal Budget | Superannuation Summary
      time 4 minute read

      2022 Federal Budget | Superannuation Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2022 Federal Budget | Social Security & Family Assistance Summary
      time 3 minute read

      2022 Federal Budget | Social Security & Family Assistance Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      Current Grants - Disaster assistance for businesses and individuals
      time 1 minute read

      Current Grants - Disaster assistance for businesses and individuals

      Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants - Business Related Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery...
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      Is the individual an employee or an independent contractor?
      time 3 minute read

      Is the individual an employee or an independent contractor?

      This question has plagued business for many years. Recent High Court decisions now provide...
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      100A – ATO continue to crack down on trusts
      time 6 minute read

      100A – ATO continue to crack down on trusts

      The highly anticipated ATO tax ruling on 100A reimbursement agreements was released on the 23rd...
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      WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN - Words of Wisdom from Women in Business
      time 3 minute read

      WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN - Words of Wisdom from Women in Business

      At Ulton, we’re passionate about supporting women in business – no matter how big or small the...
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      Are your employees entitled to unpaid pandemic leave?
      time 1 minute read

      Are your employees entitled to unpaid pandemic leave?

      Schedule X – unpaid pandemic leave was provided for in 99 modern Awards in 2020, in response to the...
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      What to do if a new employee does not provide details of their super fund?
      time 1 minute read

      What to do if a new employee does not provide details of their super fund?

      Employers can no longer make superannuation payments to their default super fund if a new employee...
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      Update on allocation of professional firms profits
      time 1 minute read

      Update on allocation of professional firms profits

      On the 16th December 2021, the ATO finalised their Practical Compliance Guideline on the allocation...
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      How to choose an advisor to sell your business
      time 3 minute read

      How to choose an advisor to sell your business

      Selling your business is a decision not to be taken lightly.. You’ve worked hard to create a...
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      Is it a scam?
      time 2 minute read

      Is it a scam?

      New data released
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      A step by step guide on how to apply for your Director ID
      time 4 minute read

      A step by step guide on how to apply for your Director ID

      A Director Identification number (Director ID) is a unique identifier that is given to a director...
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      Strategic advantages of an outsourced CFO
      time 3 minute read

      Strategic advantages of an outsourced CFO

      In the past, CFOs were often viewed as the head ‘bean counters’ in their organisations because they...
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      Top Signs Your Business Needs an Outsourced CFO
      time 3 minute read

      Top Signs Your Business Needs an Outsourced CFO

      Running a business is exciting. You wear so many hats and learn so many skills. And as your...
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      8 Essential M&A Valuation Methods
      time 4 minute read

      8 Essential M&A Valuation Methods

      Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) play a significant role in the business landscape. Many consider M&A...
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      Managing your Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)
      time 2 minute read

      Managing your Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)

      You’ve set up your Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF), and now you want to make sure that you...
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      What does it really cost to run your self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF)?
      time 1 minute read

      What does it really cost to run your self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF)?

      The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) published a fact sheet showing the...
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      Have you outgrown your business structure?
      time 3 minute read

      Have you outgrown your business structure?

      Few businesses stay at their start-up size. As they grow and mature, all kinds of changes take...
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      New Year - New Superannuation Rules
      time 8 minute read

      New Year - New Superannuation Rules

      There is a raft of super changes that have come into effect from 1 July 2021. The start of a new...
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      5 Growth Strategies for Small Businesses
      time 4 minute read

      5 Growth Strategies for Small Businesses

      Every business starts small. With a strong idea and an ambitious team to execute the vision,...
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      From 1 July 2021, the Superannuation Guarantee rate is increasing to 10%
      time 2 minute read

      From 1 July 2021, the Superannuation Guarantee rate is increasing to 10%

      The long-awaited increase to superannuation guarantee is upon us with no further delays announced...
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      Employer Alert - Do you employ Casuals?
      time 5 minute read

      Employer Alert - Do you employ Casuals?

      Recent changes to the Fair Work Act for casual employment and an employer’s obligations. The Fair...
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      Millennials, Women and SMSF's 'Taking control of their super' Q&A with Kylie Wright
      time 5 minute read

      Millennials, Women and SMSF's 'Taking control of their super' Q&A with Kylie Wright

      Recently, Ulton Wealth Management Partner Kylie Wright spoke to The Australian Financial Review's...
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      2021 Federal Budget | Economy Summary
      time 2 minute read

      2021 Federal Budget | Economy Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2021-2022 budget regarding the Australian Economy.
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      2021 Federal Budget Summary
      time 14 minute read

      2021 Federal Budget Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2021-2022 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2021 Federal Budget | Business Summary
      time 4 minute read

      2021 Federal Budget | Business Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2021-2022 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2021 Federal Budget | Brian Richards Tax Summary
      time 2 minute read

      2021 Federal Budget | Brian Richards Tax Summary

      The Federal Government’s 2021 Budget is a complex mixture of economic measures that continues its...
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      2021 Federal Budget | Superannuation Summary
      time 6 minute read

      2021 Federal Budget | Superannuation Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2021-2022 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2021 Federal Budget | Social Security & Family Assistance Summary
      time 3 minute read

      2021 Federal Budget | Social Security & Family Assistance Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2021-2022 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2021 Federal Budget | Other Summary
      time 2 minute read

      2021 Federal Budget | Other Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2021-2022 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2021 Federal Budget | Individual Summary
      time 2 minute read

      2021 Federal Budget | Individual Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2021-2022 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      Allocation of professional firm profits
      time 5 minute read

      Allocation of professional firm profits

      Note: Update to the allocation of professional firm profits can be read here. The ATO has released...
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      New Ulton Brisbane Office
      time 1 minute read

      New Ulton Brisbane Office

      On behalf of the Ulton Partners and team, it is with great excitement that we announce we are...
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      What can I expect from my financial advisor?
      time 3 minute read

      What can I expect from my financial advisor?

      What can I expect from my financial advisor?
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      Time to review your awards: What to look for
      time 2 minute read

      Time to review your awards: What to look for

      The Fair Work Act and other legislation impacting employer / employee relationships can be...
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      Virtual CFOs: do you need outsourced financial leadership?
      time 3 minute read

      Virtual CFOs: do you need outsourced financial leadership?

      If you’re running yourself ragged to reach your business’ financial goals (and you feel like...
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      How to make your business ready for sale in 5 years
      time 2 minute read

      How to make your business ready for sale in 5 years

      It is only natural that many company leaders reach a point in their tenure where they are ready to...
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      Check your growth plan to future-proof your business
      time 2 minute read

      Check your growth plan to future-proof your business

      Most owners of small and medium-sized businesses likely put together a growth plan when they're...
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      Underpaying or overpaying employees? How do you know?
      time 2 minute read

      Underpaying or overpaying employees? How do you know?

      When the economy is going well, companies need to be more aware of whether they are over- or...
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      How to build an employee incentive program that works
      time 2 minute read

      How to build an employee incentive program that works

      Having an experienced, knowledgeable employee leave your company - for any reason - can be an...
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      Genuine redundancies: Steps to ensure it's not an unfair dismissal
      time 3 minute read

      Genuine redundancies: Steps to ensure it's not an unfair dismissal

      Terminating someone's employment is never an easy decision, but there are circumstances in which...
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      Cashflow strategies: reducing debtor days
      time 3 minute read

      Cashflow strategies: reducing debtor days

      When it comes to business stability, cashflow is king. If you run out of cash, your best-laid plans...
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      Signs your business needs a health check
      time 2 minute read

      Signs your business needs a health check

      From time to time, even the most successful businesses encounter some bumps in the road. However,...
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      Meeting Customer Expectations Post COVID-19
      time 4 minute read

      Meeting Customer Expectations Post COVID-19

      In the short amount of time that COVID-19 has been part of our lives, it’s reshaped the way we...
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      Retirement planning considerations: What you need to know now
      time 5 minute read

      Retirement planning considerations: What you need to know now

      Do you want the retirement of your dreams? You need to consider setting a budget. If you’re...
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      Photo ID Cards: Essential for Older Australians
      time 1 minute read

      Photo ID Cards: Essential for Older Australians

      At Ulton, we often see clients who are ageing and beginning to have physical frailty or mental...
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      Investment Options for Superannuation
      time 5 minute read

      Investment Options for Superannuation

      Superannuation is essential to our retirement planning, however, it’s not always given the...
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      Understand and Avoid the 12 Frauds of Christmas
      time 3 minute read

      Understand and Avoid the 12 Frauds of Christmas

      There’s something special about the holiday season — a feeling of peace and goodwill that helps put...
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      What's the right method when calculating overtime for casual employees?
      time 1 minute read

      What's the right method when calculating overtime for casual employees?

      Employer Alert — Are you applying the right method when calculating overtime for your casual...
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      Scam Warning - Does that email or phone call look or sound phishy?
      time 1 minute read

      Scam Warning - Does that email or phone call look or sound phishy?

      We have received a number of reports of sophisticated email-based scams. The majority of the...
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      2020 Federal Budget | Brian Richards Tax Summary
      time 3 minute read

      2020 Federal Budget | Brian Richards Tax Summary

      A feature of this Budget is its focus on economic recovery by encouraging Australians to spend...
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      2020 Federal Budget Summary
      time 13 minute read

      2020 Federal Budget Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2020-2021 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2020 Federal Budget | Individual Summary
      time 1 minute read

      2020 Federal Budget | Individual Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2020-2021 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2020 Federal Budget | Business Summary
      time 2 minute read

      2020 Federal Budget | Business Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2020-2021 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2020 Federal Budget | Economy Summary
      time 2 minute read

      2020 Federal Budget | Economy Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2020-2021 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2020 Federal Budget | Social Security & Family Assistance Summary
      time 5 minute read

      2020 Federal Budget | Social Security & Family Assistance Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2020-2021 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      2020 Federal Budget | Superannuation Summary
      time 5 minute read

      2020 Federal Budget | Superannuation Summary

      We have summarised the key points from the 2020-2021 budget, that we believe will have the most...
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      JobKeeper 2.0 - Alternative Tests
      time 3 minute read

      JobKeeper 2.0 - Alternative Tests

      In addition to the basic actual decline in the turnover test, the ATO has released their...
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      JobKeeper 2.0 - Eligibility
      time 3 minute read

      JobKeeper 2.0 - Eligibility

      On 3 September 2020, Parliament decided to extend the JobKeeper Scheme until 28 March 2021, that...
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      What's keeping the business owners of Australia up at night?
      time 3 minute read

      What's keeping the business owners of Australia up at night?

      Business owners in Australia have plenty to worry about day in and day out - after all, they are...
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      How can you remove inefficiencies to improve profits?
      time 2 minute read

      How can you remove inefficiencies to improve profits?

      Many businesses accept inefficiencies as a fact of life - whether they know about them or not. It...
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      Employer Alert - Could underpaying of wages be 'stealing'?
      time 2 minute read

      Employer Alert - Could underpaying of wages be 'stealing'?

      Could underpayment of wages be ‘stealing’?
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      JobKeeper Enabling Direction (JED) and changes to the Fair Work Act
      time 2 minute read

      JobKeeper Enabling Direction (JED) and changes to the Fair Work Act

      The Government has amended the Fair Work Act (FW Act) to assist employers (that meet the...
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      High Court decision…personal/carer’s leave calculated on ‘hours’ of work, not ‘days’.
      time 2 minute read

      High Court decision…personal/carer’s leave calculated on ‘hours’ of work, not ‘days’.

      Good news for employers - common sense prevails The High Court has ruled that the method of...
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      5 ways you can get a great insight into your business
      time 2 minute read

      5 ways you can get a great insight into your business

      Owners or executives of small- and medium-sized businesses have a lot on their plate just running...
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      APPOINTMENT - Maree McLean joins Ulton
      time 1 minute read

      APPOINTMENT - Maree McLean joins Ulton

      Ulton is delighted to announce that we have appointed Maree McLean as a Client Manager to our...
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      4 business areas you should be reporting on
      time 2 minute read

      4 business areas you should be reporting on

      If you're running a small or mid-sized business, there's a good chance you're not operating as...
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      Everything you need to know about PAYG
      time 3 minute read

      Everything you need to know about PAYG

      If you are an employer or own a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) you may be required to...
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      Speed up the pace of implementation to achieve sustainable profit.
      time 2 minute read

      Speed up the pace of implementation to achieve sustainable profit.

      The pace of doing business is speeding up, not slowing down. Each year the pressure grows across...
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      EOFY Strategies
      time 5 minute read

      EOFY Strategies

      With global restrictions easing, markets correcting and businesses starting to adjust to the...
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      COVID-19 Business Assistance Finder
      time 1 minute read

      COVID-19 Business Assistance Finder

      Use this tool to discover what support is available to you.
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      JobKeeper Payments Package – Rules Now Registered.
      time 11 minute read

      JobKeeper Payments Package – Rules Now Registered.

      JobKeeper Payments Package – Rules Now Registered Commences from fortnight starting 30 March 2020...
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      Crisis Management and Business Survival Checklist
      time 1 minute read

      Crisis Management and Business Survival Checklist

      How do businesses stay afloat in times of crisis? What business survival strategies can you...
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      Attention Employers: JobKeeper Scheme and changes to the Fair Work Act
      time 4 minute read

      Attention Employers: JobKeeper Scheme and changes to the Fair Work Act

      The Fair Work Act (FW Act) was amended just before Easter (9 April 2020) to support the Jobkeeper...
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      Schedule X inserted into 99 Awards - unpaid pandemic leave.
      time 2 minute read

      Schedule X inserted into 99 Awards - unpaid pandemic leave.

      On 8 April 2020, the Fair Work Commission made the decision to insert a new schedule, Schedule X, ...
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      SME commercial leasing principles during COVID-19
      time 3 minute read

      SME commercial leasing principles during COVID-19

      The National Cabinet Rent Code. Up-to-date as at 8 April 2020. The purpose of the Code of Conduct...
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      Commercial and Residential Tenancies.
      time 4 minute read

      Commercial and Residential Tenancies.

      UPDATED THURSDAY, 2 APRIL 2020 On Sunday, 29 March 2020 the Prime Minister’s office made the...
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      COVID-19 – Business Financial Assistance - Federal and Qld Governments*
      time 4 minute read

      COVID-19 – Business Financial Assistance - Federal and Qld Governments*

      The key business focused support packages available are summarised below, please click on the...
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      How to get your CRN from Centrelink for the first time.
      time 1 minute read

      How to get your CRN from Centrelink for the first time.

      Many Australians are being stood down during this pandemic and will need to apply for Centrelink...
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      COVID-19 – Economic stimulus packages for individuals explained
      time 4 minute read

      COVID-19 – Economic stimulus packages for individuals explained

      Over the past two weeks the Government has announced two economic stimulus packages to cushion the...
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      COVID-19 – Economic stimulus packages for SMSF Trustees
      time 4 minute read

      COVID-19 – Economic stimulus packages for SMSF Trustees

      Over the past two weeks the Government has announced two economic stimulus packages to cushion the...
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      Coronavirus Update - Standing down employees.
      time 3 minute read

      Coronavirus Update - Standing down employees.

      How to stand down your employees when circumstances go beyond your control? The Federal Government...
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      Coronavirus Business Assistance – Federal and State Government responses – so far….
      time 3 minute read

      Coronavirus Business Assistance – Federal and State Government responses – so far….

      Coronavirus Business Assistance – Federal and State Government responses – so far….
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      Stimulus relief package for individuals and what this could mean for you.
      time 5 minute read

      Stimulus relief package for individuals and what this could mean for you.

      Updated: Stimulus relief package for individuals and what this could mean for you
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      How do your portfolios respond during fast and furious market movements?
      time 4 minute read

      How do your portfolios respond during fast and furious market movements?

      Market Update - 17 March 2020
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      Company Director Alert: Has your company paid its BAS debts?
      time 1 minute read

      Company Director Alert: Has your company paid its BAS debts?

      GST component now included in Director’s Penalty Notice regime, from 1 April 2020.
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      “Is your real estate used in a business?” The Commissioner tells Eichmann the Builder – “No it isn’t.”
      time 2 minute read

      “Is your real estate used in a business?” The Commissioner tells Eichmann the Builder – “No it isn’t.”

      Some of the most effective tax savings are to be found in the Small Business Capital Gains Tax...
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      Deeming rate cuts due to economic conditions.
      time 1 minute read

      Deeming rate cuts due to economic conditions.

      In the Media About 900,000 Australians will see an increase to their fortnightly social security...
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      Investment Strategies for SMSF Trustees
      time 2 minute read

      Investment Strategies for SMSF Trustees

      The ATO released guidance to SMSF Trustees on Investment Strategies on the 19/02/20. The ATO has...
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      Do you pay your employees an annualised salary?
      time 2 minute read

      Do you pay your employees an annualised salary?

      What do employers need to know? Underpayment of wages, headlined ‘Wage Theft’ in the media, is...
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      Does my SMSF need to be audited?
      time 2 minute read

      Does my SMSF need to be audited?

      As Trustee of a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund you are required to have an independent audit...
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      Part-time employees entitled to 10 days paid personal/carer's leave.
      time 5 minute read

      Part-time employees entitled to 10 days paid personal/carer's leave.

      Employer Alert How will the changes impact your business? Late last year, the Fair Work Information...
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      Labour costs on capital assets are non-deductible.
      time 4 minute read

      Labour costs on capital assets are non-deductible.

      Generally, many business owners expect that the cost of labour will give rise to a tax deduction in...
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      Taxing the homes of Aussie expats.
      time 2 minute read

      Taxing the homes of Aussie expats.

      On 5 December 2019, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Reducing Pressure on Housing Affordability...
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      Should I claim property depreciation if it will later add to the Capital Gains Tax?
      time 2 minute read

      Should I claim property depreciation if it will later add to the Capital Gains Tax?

      A common question among property investors is whether depreciation is worth claiming if it will...
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      Are you paying your employees too much when it comes to annual leave loading and super contributions?
      time 2 minute read

      Are you paying your employees too much when it comes to annual leave loading and super contributions?

      Are you paying your employees too much when it comes to annual leave loading and super...
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      Changes to Payroll Tax - Payroll Tax Decreased!
      time 2 minute read

      Changes to Payroll Tax - Payroll Tax Decreased!

      On 28 June 2019 the Queensland Parliament passed the Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill...
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      Protect your insurance in your super
      time 1 minute read

      Protect your insurance in your super

      Time to take action if you wish to retain your insurance through your inactive super fund. You may...
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      Here's your end of financial year wrap up
      time 8 minute read

      Here's your end of financial year wrap up

      The topics covered in this blog are a snapshot of some of the things to consider as we head towards...
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      2019 Federal Budget - Superannuation
      time 2 minute read

      2019 Federal Budget - Superannuation

      Happily the 2019 Federal Budget was a quiet one for superannuation.
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      2019 Federal Budget - Economy
      time 1 minute read

      2019 Federal Budget - Economy

      While the deficit for this year is expected to be $4.2bn, the Treasurer announced return to surplus...
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      2019 Federal Budget - Individual
      time 1 minute read

      2019 Federal Budget - Individual

      New Tax Cuts The Government has introduced new immediate tax relief for low-and-middle‑income...
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      2019 Federal Budget - Other
      time 2 minute read

      2019 Federal Budget - Other

      Last year we introduced the budget as a pre-election budget so this year’s we will have to refer to...
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      2019 Federal Budget - Social Security and Family Assistance
      time 3 minute read

      2019 Federal Budget - Social Security and Family Assistance

      SOCIAL SECURITY Energy assistance payment The Government announced a one-off payment of $75 for...
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      2019 Federal Budget - Business
      time 1 minute read

      2019 Federal Budget - Business

      Small and Medium Business Instant Asset Write Off increased to $30k The instant asset write off has...
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      Tax Residency – We now seem to be certain that Mr. Harding is a resident of the Middle East
      time 6 minute read

      Tax Residency – We now seem to be certain that Mr. Harding is a resident of the Middle East

      With the ever increasing globalisation of trade and commerce, the geographic mobility of many...
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      Employers protected from casuals double-dipping
      time 1 minute read

      Employers protected from casuals double-dipping

      Employers are now protected from casual employees ‘double-dipping’ under the Fair Work Act...
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      The Christmas Party Rules
      time 3 minute read

      The Christmas Party Rules

      Are you having a Christmas party? What steps have you put in place to ensure the health and safety...
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      Company tax rate lowered from 27.5%
      time 2 minute read

      Company tax rate lowered from 27.5%

      With a speed not usually seen with tax legislation, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Lower Taxes for...
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      Additional Tax Deductions for Farmers
      time 1 minute read

      Additional Tax Deductions for Farmers

      There is now further relief for primary producers to allow immediate deductions for fodder storage...
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      Aspiring business students boost career opportunities thanks to Ulton
      time 1 minute read

      Aspiring business students boost career opportunities thanks to Ulton

      Two Bundaberg local students have outshone their peers and secured valuable paid work experience as...
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      SMEs must be mindful of the Casual Conversion Clause in Modern Awards
      time 4 minute read

      SMEs must be mindful of the Casual Conversion Clause in Modern Awards

      Casual employees may request conversion to permanent employment from 1 October 2018.
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      Access to the Lower Corporate Tax Rate: The New 'Passive Income Test'.
      time 4 minute read

      Access to the Lower Corporate Tax Rate: The New 'Passive Income Test'.

      The Treasury Laws Amendment (Enterprise Tax Plan Base Rate Entities) Bill 2018 received royal...
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      Why use a Financial Adviser at Ulton Wealth Management?
      time 3 minute read

      Why use a Financial Adviser at Ulton Wealth Management?

      Because we transform and improve people’s lives. For most of our clients there’s a clear difference...
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      Why SMEs should prioritise Workplace Health and Safety despite the obvious
      time 2 minute read

      Why SMEs should prioritise Workplace Health and Safety despite the obvious

      The journey to Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) compliance can be overwhelming for many SMEs. It’s...
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      Take Action to Help Improve Your Financial Position
      time 1 minute read

      Take Action to Help Improve Your Financial Position

      Take action / Provide Certainty Studies in Behavioural Finance show that only 20% of people are...
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      Is the time right to outsource HR and Payroll for your Business?
      time 1 minute read

      Is the time right to outsource HR and Payroll for your Business?

      We are one month into the new financial year already.As a business owner, you may be taking this...
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      PART 2 - Property development and the new GST withholding regime is now law
      time 3 minute read

      PART 2 - Property development and the new GST withholding regime is now law

      The Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures No. 1) Bill 2018 was passed on the 29 March 2018. This...
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      Luxury Car Tax Refund for Primary Producers and Tourism Operators
      time 1 minute read

      Luxury Car Tax Refund for Primary Producers and Tourism Operators

      The Palaszczuk Government’s tax on ‘luxury vehicles’ commences 1 July 2018 imposing an extra 2%...
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      Low and middle-income earners benefit from personal income tax package 'green light'

      Low and middle-income earners benefit from personal income tax package 'green light'

      The media is buzzing with news of the Turnbull Government’s personal income tax package for low and...
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      Real Estate Industry Award changes effective 2 April 2018
      time 8 minute read

      Real Estate Industry Award changes effective 2 April 2018

      On 2nd April 2018, significant changes to the Real Estate Award 2010 'Award'took effect.
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      Here's the ATO 2018 'hit list' for FBT
      time 1 minute read

      Here's the ATO 2018 'hit list' for FBT

      With the end of the financial year approaching the ATO has released its hit list of what will be...
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      Time to review your superannuation. Here's some things to consider.
      time 1 minute read

      Time to review your superannuation. Here's some things to consider.

      With the end of the financial year fast approaching, it is time to start thinking about income tax...
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      Proposed policy to stop SMSF's from receiving tax refunds for franking credits
      time 2 minute read

      Proposed policy to stop SMSF's from receiving tax refunds for franking credits

      You may have noticed significant media coverage recently regarding the Australian Labor Party’s...
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      Foreign residents and the main residence capital gains tax exemption
      time 3 minute read

      Foreign residents and the main residence capital gains tax exemption

      A new law removing a Foreign Residents’ access to the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) exemption on the sale...
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      Property development and the new GST withholding regime from 1 July 2018
      time 3 minute read

      Property development and the new GST withholding regime from 1 July 2018

      On February 7, 2018 the government introducedTreasury Laws Amendment (2018Measures No. 1) Bill...
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      Payroll Tax Grouping in Queensland – What is it and Does it Affect My Businesses?
      time 2 minute read

      Payroll Tax Grouping in Queensland – What is it and Does it Affect My Businesses?

      Why does The Office of State Revenue (OSR) Group? When commonly owned or commonly controlled...
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      Payroll Tax and Payments to Contractors
      time 2 minute read

      Payroll Tax and Payments to Contractors

      Payroll Tax is a state tax collected on wages once the applicable threshold has been met.
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      Vacation program leads to fresh faces at Ulton
      time 1 minute read

      Vacation program leads to fresh faces at Ulton

      Three students from Ulton’s vacation program have secured full-time permanent traineeships...
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      The rise of Bitcoin and the likely tax implications that might follow
      time 2 minute read

      The rise of Bitcoin and the likely tax implications that might follow

      Bitcoin- the fuss isn’t just about the price!
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      Dramatic Depreciation Changes for Australian Property Investors
      time 1 minute read

      Dramatic Depreciation Changes for Australian Property Investors

      The most dramatic change to property depreciation legislation in more than 15 years was passed in...
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      Students kick-start career with Ulton's vacation program
      time 1 minute read

      Students kick-start career with Ulton's vacation program

      Two students from Bundaberg's Shalom College have outshone their peers and secured valuable paid...
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      Ulton's day at the races raises over $7000 for Bundaberg AEIOU centre.
      time 1 minute read

      Ulton's day at the races raises over $7000 for Bundaberg AEIOU centre.

      Ulton raised $7150 for the AEIOU Foundation at the firm's12th annual racedayat the Bundaberg...
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      Salary Sacrifice Super and Superannuation Guarantee changes
      time 2 minute read

      Salary Sacrifice Super and Superannuation Guarantee changes

      The Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, the Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP hasstatedthat the...
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      Welcoming in the dawn of a new era in wealth management
      time 1 minute read

      Welcoming in the dawn of a new era in wealth management

      On 1 October 2017, Ulton Wealth Management Pty Ltd became a Corporate Authorised Representative of...
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      Could your business use a HR Check Up?

      Could your business use a HR Check Up?

      Most small businesses can't justify employing a permanent Human Resources Manager. So it's no...
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      Employers should not be casual about Fair Work's Casual Conversion Clause decision
      time 2 minute read

      Employers should not be casual about Fair Work's Casual Conversion Clause decision

      The Fair Work Commission Full Bench has ruled in favour of inserting a ‘casual conversion’ clause...
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      Family Groups - Loans from companies to trusts after PCG 2017/13
      time 2 minute read

      Family Groups - Loans from companies to trusts after PCG 2017/13

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      Access to prior year losses increased with new similar business test
      time 2 minute read

      Access to prior year losses increased with new similar business test

      From 1 July 2015 theTreasury Laws Amendment (2017 Enterprise Incentives No. 1) Bill 2017which...
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      CGT Withholding for Property Transactions – Update
      time 1 minute read

      CGT Withholding for Property Transactions – Update

      From 1 July 2017 even more purchasers of real property in Australia will need to be aware to the...
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      ATO clarity on work related travel and meal expense deductions
      time 8 minute read

      ATO clarity on work related travel and meal expense deductions

      At National Press Club of Australia on 5 July 2017 the Commissioner of Taxation, Chris Jordan...
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      ATO reporting unpaid tax debts to credit agencies
      time 1 minute read

      ATO reporting unpaid tax debts to credit agencies

      As of 1 July2017,the ATO will be attempting to apply commercial pressure on taxpayers who have...
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      A Deceased’s Legal Personal Representative and Tax Liabilities up to the Date of Death (PCG 2017/D2)
      time 2 minute read

      A Deceased’s Legal Personal Representative and Tax Liabilities up to the Date of Death (PCG 2017/D2)

      On 5 July, the ATO issued a Draft Practical Compliance Guideline - PCG 2017/D2 - with the intent of...
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      Is your company carrying on a business of property investment?
      time 1 minute read

      Is your company carrying on a business of property investment?

      When we think of rental properties most of us think of passive investments. However, are you really...
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      Self Managed Super Funds require periodic valuations of property assets
      time 3 minute read

      Self Managed Super Funds require periodic valuations of property assets

      Are you aware that all assets held within Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) need to be...
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      Employing casuals is cost effective but there are traps.
      time 2 minute read

      Employing casuals is cost effective but there are traps.

      Small businesses are frequently employing casuals to meet fluctuating workloads. It makes sense....
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      Year End Tax Planning
      time 3 minute read

      Year End Tax Planning

      Business income and expenses Subject to cash flow requirements, consider deferring income until...
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      Profit is not a dirty word
      time 1 minute read

      Profit is not a dirty word

      There are many reasons for going into business but fundamentally it is to make profit. It may seem...
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      2017 Federal Budget – Impacts for Individuals
      time 8 minute read

      2017 Federal Budget – Impacts for Individuals

      On 9 May the Federal Government handed down the 2017 Budget. The scale of the announcements for...
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      SMEs should take proactive steps to avoid costly HR mistakes
      time 2 minute read

      SMEs should take proactive steps to avoid costly HR mistakes

      For many SMEs, managing their workforce is often trial and error. Mistakes are made – some costly -...
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      2017 Budget Crystal Ball
      time 2 minute read

      2017 Budget Crystal Ball

      The 2017 Federal Budget will be announced in a few weeks and Professor Robert (Bob) Deutsch, the...
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      Uber Loses Landmark GST Battle Against the ATO
      time 1 minute read

      Uber Loses Landmark GST Battle Against the ATO

      Ride sharing disruptor Uber has lost its fight against the Australian Taxation Office in the...
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      Superannuation Update (Part 2) – Opportunities for Concessional Contributions
      time 3 minute read

      Superannuation Update (Part 2) – Opportunities for Concessional Contributions

      Over the past six months there have been huge changes to superannuation law as a result of...
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      09/11/16 Superannuation Legislation Changes – Part 1 – Opportunities for Non Concessional (NCC) Contributions
      time 3 minute read

      09/11/16 Superannuation Legislation Changes – Part 1 – Opportunities for Non Concessional (NCC) Contributions

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      Delegating tips to make your life easier
      time 3 minute read

      Delegating tips to make your life easier

      If you can free up an hour a day, you’ll create a month a year for yourself. If you’re a business...
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      Small Business Company Tax Rate Decrease - What it Means to Companies and Shareholders
      time 3 minute read

      Small Business Company Tax Rate Decrease - What it Means to Companies and Shareholders

      The corporate tax rate for a small business has been decreased from 30% to 28.5% for the 2015-2016...
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      Introducing Ulton's New SMSF Accounting Solution – Class Super
      time 1 minute read

      Introducing Ulton's New SMSF Accounting Solution – Class Super

      Ulton are pleased to advise our clients that we have partnered with Class Super ("Class”) for the...
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      CGT Withholding for Property Transactions – from 1 July 2016
      time 1 minute read

      CGT Withholding for Property Transactions – from 1 July 2016

      The new financial year will see a new obligation to be levied on the sellers and purchasers of...
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      CGT Withholding for Property Transactions – from 1 July 2016
      time 1 minute read

      CGT Withholding for Property Transactions – from 1 July 2016

      The new financial year will see a new obligation to be levied on the sellers and purchasers of...
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