Use this tool to discover what support is available to you.

If your business has been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, you may be eligible for financial assistance or other types of relief.

Use this tool to discover what support is available from the Queensland and Australian governments, plus Queensland local councils.

COVID-19 Business Assistance Finder

To use this tool you will need to answer the following four questions. When all answers are completed, the tool will provide you with a summary of any financial assistance that may be available to that business type. Further information and links to the relevant source documents will be provided.

  1. What size business are you? (no. of employees)
  2. Select an industry (prefilled options)
  3. Where is your business located? (select 1 or more local government areas)
  4. Does your business? (select all activities that apply to your business)

Please click on the button below to use this tool.Business Assistance Finder

We're here to help.

If you have any concerns about how your business is placed to 'ride out' the current economic conditions or have questions about the grants, please do not hesitate to contact Ulton's Business Advisory team on (07) 4154 0400.

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