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Advisory & Consulting
It has long been the ATO’s practice to treat a trust’s unpaid present entitlements (“UPE”) to a...
Small businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $50 million will be able to claim a bonus...
From the 1 July 2023 your wages data collated from your Single Touch Payroll (STP) lodgments will...
Small business with an aggregated turnover of less than $50 million will be entitled to a 20% bonus...
On 2 June 2023, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) handed down its decision in theAnnual Wage Review...
Founded in 1926, Ulton is one of Queensland’s largest business advisory, chartered accounting, and...
The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, handed down the 2023–24 Federal Budget at 7:30 pm (AEST) on...
In response to COVID-19 causing a large shift to the number of employees working from home the...
The Queensland Revenue Office released their public ruling on the 22nd of December regarding...
Right on the heels of the recent Guardian court appeal where the commissioner succeeded in applying...
Changes to workplace sexual harassment laws.Prohibition is set to ‘cure the cause not the effect!’
Respect at work – Fair Work Commissioner rejects Stop-Bullying claim. Common sense prevails.
Respect at work - unlawful sex discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation
The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, handed down the Labor government's first Federal Budget at...
No leniency for a small business that failed to provide training for its employees
Could you pay your employees with ‘more time’ ?
Are you experiencing a high level of absenteeism in your business? Employees taking leave due to...
A full FBT exemption for electric vehicles was introduced into parliament on 27 July 2022. This...
With our low unemployment rate and a skills shortage, many businesses across the board are relying...
Why is a written employment agreement/contract necessary for employees covered by a modern award?
The super guarantee (SG) rate will increase from 10% to 10.5% which comes into effect from 1 July...
The Fair Work Commission handed down its decision to increase minimum wageseffective 1 July 2022 on...
The ATO has put its foot down, from 1 July 2022, trust distributions made to companies will no...
We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget, that we believe will have the most...
We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget, that we believe will have the most...
There are varied viewpoints generated by this year’s Federal Budget, putting aside the potential...
We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget regarding the Australian Economy.
We have summarised the key points from the 2022-2023 budget, that we believe will have the most...
Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants - Business Related Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery...
This question has plagued business for many years. Recent High Court decisions now provide...
The highly anticipated ATO tax ruling on 100A reimbursement agreements was released on the 23rd...
Schedule X – unpaid pandemic leave was provided for in 99 modern Awards in 2020, in response to the...
Employers can no longer make superannuation payments to their default super fund if a new employee...
On the 16th December 2021, the ATO finalised their Practical Compliance Guideline on the allocation...
Selling your business is a decision not to be taken lightly.. You’ve worked hard to create a...
In the past, CFOs were often viewed as the head ‘bean counters’ in their organisations because they...
Running a business is exciting. You wear so many hats and learn so many skills. And as your...
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) play a significant role in the business landscape. Many consider M&A...
Every business starts small. With a strong idea and an ambitious team to execute the vision,...
Recent changes to the Fair Work Act for casual employment and an employer’s obligations. The Fair...
We have summarised the key points from the 2021-2022 budget, that we believe will have the most...
The Federal Government’s 2021 Budget is a complex mixture of economic measures that continues its...
We have summarised the key points from the 2021-2022 budget, that we believe will have the most...
We have summarised the key points from the 2021-2022 budget, that we believe will have the most...
Note: Update to the allocation of professional firm profits can be read here. The ATO has released...
The Fair Work Act and other legislation impacting employer / employee relationships can be...
If you’re running yourself ragged to reach your business’ financial goals (and you feel like...
It is only natural that many company leaders reach a point in their tenure where they are ready to...
Most owners of small and medium-sized businesses likely put together a growth plan when they're...
When the economy is going well, companies need to be more aware of whether they are over- or...
Having an experienced, knowledgeable employee leave your company - for any reason - can be an...
Terminating someone's employment is never an easy decision, but there are circumstances in which...
When it comes to business stability, cashflow is king. If you run out of cash, your best-laid plans...
From time to time, even the most successful businesses encounter some bumps in the road. However,...
In the short amount of time that COVID-19 has been part of our lives, it’s reshaped the way we...
Employer Alert — Are you applying the right method when calculating overtime for your casual...
A feature of this Budget is its focus on economic recovery by encouraging Australians to spend...
We have summarised the key points from the 2020-2021 budget, that we believe will have the most...
We have summarised the key points from the 2020-2021 budget, that we believe will have the most...
We have summarised the key points from the 2020-2021 budget, that we believe will have the most...
In addition to the basic actual decline in the turnover test, the ATO has released their...
On 3 September 2020, Parliament decided to extend the JobKeeper Scheme until 28 March 2021, that...
Business owners in Australia have plenty to worry about day in and day out - after all, they are...
Many businesses accept inefficiencies as a fact of life - whether they know about them or not. It...
Could underpayment of wages be ‘stealing’?
The Government has amended the Fair Work Act (FW Act) to assist employers (that meet the...
Good news for employers - common sense prevails The High Court has ruled that the method of...
Owners or executives of small- and medium-sized businesses have a lot on their plate just running...
If you're running a small or mid-sized business, there's a good chance you're not operating as...
If you are an employer or own a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) you may be required to...
The pace of doing business is speeding up, not slowing down. Each year the pressure grows across...
With global restrictions easing, markets correcting and businesses starting to adjust to the...
JobKeeper Payments Package – Rules Now Registered Commences from fortnight starting 30 March 2020...
How do businesses stay afloat in times of crisis? What business survival strategies can you...
The Fair Work Act (FW Act) was amended just before Easter (9 April 2020) to support the Jobkeeper...
On 8 April 2020, the Fair Work Commission made the decision to insert a new schedule, Schedule X, ...
The key business focused support packages available are summarised below, please click on the...
How to stand down your employees when circumstances go beyond your control? The Federal Government...
Coronavirus Business Assistance – Federal and State Government responses – so far….
GST component now included in Director’s Penalty Notice regime, from 1 April 2020.
Some of the most effective tax savings are to be found in the Small Business Capital Gains Tax...
What do employers need to know? Underpayment of wages, headlined ‘Wage Theft’ in the media, is...
Employer Alert How will the changes impact your business? Late last year, the Fair Work Information...
Generally, many business owners expect that the cost of labour will give rise to a tax deduction in...
On 5 December 2019, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Reducing Pressure on Housing Affordability...
A common question among property investors is whether depreciation is worth claiming if it will...
Are you paying your employees too much when it comes to annual leave loading and super...
On 28 June 2019 the Queensland Parliament passed the Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill...
The topics covered in this blog are a snapshot of some of the things to consider as we head towards...
With the ever increasing globalisation of trade and commerce, the geographic mobility of many...
Employers are now protected from casual employees ‘double-dipping’ under the Fair Work Act...
Are you having a Christmas party? What steps have you put in place to ensure the health and safety...
With a speed not usually seen with tax legislation, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Lower Taxes for...
There is now further relief for primary producers to allow immediate deductions for fodder storage...
Casual employees may request conversion to permanent employment from 1 October 2018.
The Treasury Laws Amendment (Enterprise Tax Plan Base Rate Entities) Bill 2018 received royal...
The journey to Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) compliance can be overwhelming for many SMEs. It’s...
We are one month into the new financial year already.As a business owner, you may be taking this...
The Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures No. 1) Bill 2018 was passed on the 29 March 2018. This...
The Palaszczuk Government’s tax on ‘luxury vehicles’ commences 1 July 2018 imposing an extra 2%...
The media is buzzing with news of the Turnbull Government’s personal income tax package for low and...
On 2nd April 2018, significant changes to the Real Estate Award 2010 'Award'took effect.
With the end of the financial year approaching the ATO has released its hit list of what will be...
A new law removing a Foreign Residents’ access to the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) exemption on the sale...
Why does The Office of State Revenue (OSR) Group? When commonly owned or commonly controlled...
Bitcoin- the fuss isn’t just about the price!
The most dramatic change to property depreciation legislation in more than 15 years was passed in...
Most small businesses can't justify employing a permanent Human Resources Manager. So it's no...
The Fair Work Commission Full Bench has ruled in favour of inserting a ‘casual conversion’ clause...
From 1 July 2015 theTreasury Laws Amendment (2017 Enterprise Incentives No. 1) Bill 2017which...
From 1 July 2017 even more purchasers of real property in Australia will need to be aware to the...
At National Press Club of Australia on 5 July 2017 the Commissioner of Taxation, Chris Jordan...
As of 1 July2017,the ATO will be attempting to apply commercial pressure on taxpayers who have...
When we think of rental properties most of us think of passive investments. However, are you really...
Are you aware that all assets held within Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) need to be...
Small businesses are frequently employing casuals to meet fluctuating workloads. It makes sense....
Business income and expenses Subject to cash flow requirements, consider deferring income until...
For many SMEs, managing their workforce is often trial and error. Mistakes are made – some costly -...
Ride sharing disruptor Uber has lost its fight against the Australian Taxation Office in the...
If you can free up an hour a day, you’ll create a month a year for yourself. If you’re a business...
The corporate tax rate for a small business has been decreased from 30% to 28.5% for the 2015-2016...
The new financial year will see a new obligation to be levied on the sellers and purchasers of...
The new financial year will see a new obligation to be levied on the sellers and purchasers of...
Offering insights and new solutions to achieve a tax effective outcome.