The Commissioner of Taxation has released a Gazette notice advising the Australian Taxatio...
Ulton’s expert Forensic Accounting division takes a tailored approach to give clients peace of mind that their numbers are correct, their claims are being properly investigated, and all supporting documentation is as it should be.
Businesses undergo fraud or financial investigations for all manner of reasons. Our Forensic Accounting team can assist you in your investigations, highlighting inconsistencies and giving you confidence your numbers are correct.
We’ll provide litigation support for a broad range of legal challenges, including estate litigation, family law and commercial disputes.
When insurance claims or legal challenges are lodged, it’s important all relevant documentation is correct. We’ll review all necessary documentation, including valuation reports to make sure everything is in order.
We’ll assist you through the insurance and personal injury claims process to make sure everyone gets a fair outcome.
The team are experienced witness providers and have acted both as expert and shadow witnesses in a number of litigation and insurance matters.
We can provide commercial loss and damage assessments to help you get what you deserve in the event of a setback.
Bernard’s forensics expertise has been gained from over 20 years of practical audit and forensic accounting experience. Bernard is recognised as a Business Valuation (BV) Specialist with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
Senior Associated and Nationally Accredited Mediator, James & Co Lawyers