At Ulton, we’re passionate about supporting women in business – no matter how big or small the company. Ulton’s three powerhouse female partners, along with our swagger of talented, ambitious and successful female clients (whom we absolutely love working with 😊), are part of a movement that’s making a difference and driving positive change. Today, we celebrate International Women’s Day, as we share advice from some of these go-getters who are forging ahead in the business world.

Never underestimate your worth as a woman! That’s what Ulton client Aletha Walters has to say to fellow businesswomen this International Women’s Day.

Her secret to success is… there is no secret. It’s all about hard work, resilience and the ability to keep turning up – regardless of the good or bad times. Aletha believes anyone can be successful, “it just depends on what you are prepared to give up to achieve it” she says.

Women have always worked in the family business at leading Queensland construction company Stroud Homes Wide Bay. So, when Aletha came to be part of the business, she didn’t realise how unusual it was for women to work side by side with their partners as equals. She quickly learned that her relationship with her husband, Slade, is unique and believes working together has made them both stronger.

Working in a male-dominated industry is not always easy. “Construction is no longer about who can pick up a hammer. If that makes someone in the industry uncomfortable, then so be it. At our level, you need so many extra skills, and I bring those to the table” says Aletha. ALETHA-WALTERS_International-Womens-Day_Blog-size-pull-out-quote-banner_677-pxl-x-265-pxl-01Stroud Homes has now grown to 5 locations and has built over 240 homes in Queensland. Aletha’s tips for others looking to grow a business are baby steps. She’s a big believer that in order to achieve something big you need to map out the small steps to get there. “Sometimes it can all feel too much – but when you break it down it feels so much more achievable” she says.

Business owners are often reminded that it is vital to make time to work on your business, not just in your business. Aletha is clear that it’s important to know every part of your business. “While I know it’s a popular narrative not to get caught up in the day-to-day of your business…I also believe that without understanding the day-to-day, you can’t make achievable changes to your processes. Construction is a highly regulated business, and you need to understand your processes back to front” she says.KIM MACDONALD International Womens Day_Blog size pull out quote banner_677 pxl x 265 pxl-01Being passionate about your work is a common thread amongst many of our Ulton clients. Michelle Wilson from Ginger Says creates realistic, luxury artificial flowers for brides around Australia from her base in Gladstone. Michelle says, “you need to absolutely love your business, it’s the only way to give it your all.” It’s obviously paying off, because Ginger Says has just been awarded Winner of the Brides Choice Awards for 2021 for her region – way to go Michelle!

A key learning over the years for Michelle has been to try and anticipate change. She tries to recognise early if something isn’t going to be profitable so she can change it sooner. “Don’t hang on because you think you’ve failed if something hasn’t turned out as planned. It may just be a path to something better” she says. Trish Ilicic, our Ulton Gladstone Business Services Partner agrees and adds that women in business should try to focus on the things you can change, and not dwell on the things you can’t. “It’s the tough times as well as the good times that define us” Trish says.

Many business owners have the passion but may lack the business acumen needed to ensure success. Having someone, such as a mentor whom you trust, can help you understand your challenges and opportunities from a fresh (yet experienced) perspective by helping you identify innovative solutions for your business concerns. Ulton Wealth Management Partner, Kylie Wright, believes all women in business should find someone they admire and ask them to mentor you. “They don’t need to be in your industry, it often works better to gain a diversity of views” she says. Kylie is always happy to be a mentor and encourages others not to be shy. “Mentors actually get back as much as they give!” she says. NATALIE MACDONALD_International Womens Day_Blog size pull out quote banner_677 pxl x 265 pxl-01-1Feeling inspired? We certainly are, and we are so proud of the success our female clients are achieving in life and business. It’s so uplifting to share knowledge and hear about other women’s experiences in business. We’d love to hear about your experiences too - what tips can you share or what are your biggest challenges?

Get in touch with us about your business or to find out how we support business women here at Ulton.

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