Because we transform and improve people’s lives. For most of our clients there’s a clear difference between their financial life before Ulton to the life they achieve and live while partnering with Ulton. We help clients make lots of small changes that makes a big difference in their wealth, over the long-term. There are no short cuts to wealth and working with our Ulton Wealth Management Team we will get you there.

No one has ever come in to see me saying ‘give me an investment that gives me a 10% per annum return.’What clients say to me is ‘I want to put my kids through Uni', ‘How can I retire within ‘X’ number of years?’, ‘How do we pay off our house?', ‘Are we on track to achieving ‘XYZ?’’, ‘What happens to my family if I can’t work due to an accident?’ or ‘I don’t have time to figure out my financial future, can you help me?’.

Every day we help people achieve their wealth, personal and life goals. We help them figure out what their goals are (if they don’t already have a clear goal) and develop a strategy to help them achieve these goals. Below are some examples of  clients whom we've helped achieve their wealth and life goals.

Client Story - John and Jane

(Financial Support and Transition to Retirement Strategy)

John* and Jane* (aged 58) saw me in late 2013 to ask;

  • how can they financially support their sons through their apprenticeships?,
  • what to do with the sale proceeds from their business?, and
  • how can they retire by age 65?
How we helped

After a few in-depth and honest conversations with John and Jane, we guided John and Jane through some tough decisions, devised a budget and a plan to use surplus cash which ultimately helped them become financially organised.

Five years later after achieving their other goals, I was able to tell them they can retire at Christmas 2018 if they want to (aged 62 and 3 years early).

Seeing the relief and delight on their faces was priceless.

Client Story - Bob

(Asset accumulation, Insurance payouts and general hand-holding)

Bob* saw me back in 2003 after a divorce which resulted in him having a substantial reduction in assets.Bob wanted help to rebuild his assets and to get back on track.Since then I have seen him enter into his second marriage with Sue*.

How we helped

Over the years there have been a number of important and life changing decisions or events that Bob has made with the guidance of Ulton Wealth Management:

  • where to live - should they live in his house, her house, rent one or buy a new one?
  • borrowing to invest to rebuild assets post the divorce,
  • move cities twice (how to deal with housing change over costs),
  • suffer a serious medical condition resulting in being unable to work ever again (we had him fully insured)
  • assist his wife to retire, and
  • now we are looking at should they move cities to be closer to Sue’s aged parents and what would be the financial ramifications of this.

Bob and Sue are the first to say that they are immeasurably better off from their 15 year relationship with us.

Client Story – Peter and Mary

(Business Succession Planning and Estate Planning)

Peter* saw me recently when his Ulton Accountant asked me to attend a meeting.Peter has worked really hard all of his life in a business with all of the risks and headaches that entails.He was paying huge amounts of tax, had complicated structures and really felt like he was getting nowhere.

Peter and Mary’s future goals

  • Peter hopes to hand the business over to one or more of his children,
  • Peter and his wife Mary* each have children from previous marriages and were uneasy about whether their Estate plans would work out,
  • Want to work out a strategy to get Peter out from ‘under the business’ so he and Mary have more free time to enjoy life, along with the funds to do it.

While this is only a recent wealth management relationship, Peter and Mary are now on their way to financial freedom and peace of mind in relation to their potential future estates.

As Alfred A. Montapert said ‘Your life will be no better than the plans you make and the action you take. You are the architect and the builder of your own life, fortune and destiny.’

A financial plan should be a ‘blueprint’ outlining your goals, dreams and ambitions. We exist to ensure you realise your dreams.

Let us help you
  • Cut through the noise;
  • Keep you accountable;
  • Give you the steps;
  • Protect you and your family;
  • Help make the hard decisions;
  • Provide certainty.

Trust an Ulton Wealth Management Adviser

Always use a non-aligned financial adviser, who has the proper accreditation to provide advice in respect to the areas of advice you seek. To ensure you get advice that has your best interests and financial objectives in mind, choose an adviser who is not conflicted, someone who has no connections to financial institutions and their pay is not linked to the performance of a product. Find an adviser who is fee-for-service.

Ulton Wealth Management Advisers can help you achieve your financial and life goals. Chat to us today about your financial objectives. Maybe one day, we will be writing a story just like these about your financial success.

*not their real names, but case studies are real.

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